Wednesday 10 August 2011

Riots spread like wildfire across the UK.

Hey guys and girls, 

I know this is becoming tedious but I’m sorry for the prolonged wait once again for my blog posts, I really do need to get my act together and focus more. 

As the vast majority of you already know the people of, London, the UK, have been putting themselves to shame, rioting, looting and setting alight anything that lies on their path. For the fourth night in a row chaos has taken over the capital city and police have been unable to prevent groups of yobs attacking local businesses and homes sometimes seeking a games console/pair of trainers and sometimes simply looking for something to set on fire. It’s all still quite hazy seeing as all the news on TV and online seems to be quite late/incomplete; most of what I’ve learnt has stemmed from social networking sites and the old fashioned, word of mouth. Police sirens and choppers have been circling the local area and police men and women can be found on practically every block at the moment simply watching their surroundings with a slightly weary expression. Groups of young people in hoods and hats are simply loitering, waiting for that opportune moment to strike. Yes, I’m actually describing the concrete jungle populated by human beings, NOT, an animal safari.  If you want to see pictures of people stealing clothes/food/anything they can find you can find an extensive list here: It’s the Daily Mail, not usually my first choice of newspapers but hey. They’re acting like they’ve never seen food/clothes before. WTF. 

 A map of the latest incidences can be found here: Mind you, they conveniently forgot to include anything regarding the borough of Newham, hosting the Olympics in just under a year. Although we didn’t see the worst of the commotion let me update you, I quote: “East Ham MP Stephen Timms praised police for their efforts. He said: “Last evening there was serious damage in High Street North, East Ham, affecting Argos, Primark, Tesco and banks. The current paving work in the High Street has made matters more difficult. An electrical shop in Katherine Road was looted, and there have been reports of small groups of teenagers elsewhere committing burglary.”” Stratford Centre was also victim to attack, again, Argos took a beating along with other shops including JD Sports and Peacocks. Forest Gate police station yesterday trembled behind it’s shield of riot vans:

The Asian business owners of Green Street, Turkish community in Dalston and the Sikh Community in Southall all came out to defend themselves and their areas. Very, very admirable:

That said, parts of Green Street weren’t so lucky. Here’s a picture of Tesco and the library I took earlier:

What was the source of this malicious, disgusting, horrendous behaviour I hear you ask...? Well, a few days back a young man by the name of Mark Duggan, allegedly a drug lord, was shot by police officers. There’s some controversy regarding whether or not he shot the officer first, I’m not sure what happened, perhaps this was unfair, perhaps not, but the fact of the matter is that he had a gun in his possession, now, the last time I checked, that’s ILLEGAL. The police are employed to prevent illegal activities. Anyway, Duggan happened to have a fair few friends who initiated a non-violent demonstration. This in turn triggered riots in Tottenham and Enfield. Soon after, riots began throughout the capital, replicated in all the quadrants at varying scales before being mimicked across the major cities in the country.

On the other hand, it can be said that this incidence was simply an excuse or a catalyst for something that was bound to happen one day or another anyway. Listening to an interview on the BBC with a teenager I recall something along the lines of, “when they [the police] respect us, we’ll respect them.” Others, have complaints about the cuts made on EMA (educational maintenance allowance) and educational funding for universities and ultimately David Cameron. Some people even went as far as saying this was expected:  

Right, I understand that yes, in many of these deprived areas, you struggle to gain opportunities to rise above the socio-economic bracket, I understand that it might be difficult to pay the bills at home and yeah you might have to share a bedroom with a sibling because you can’t afford a bigger home. I get that there aren’t jobs knocking at your door and your future may seem bleak, but please stop acting like you’re growing up in Africa or any other third world, actually I think the politically correct term is now developing, country. This is the UK, you have the chance to go to school, you have clothes on your back, food on your table and yeah okay it might not be caviar and Prada, but those things are luxuries, you need to work damn hard to earn those things. So go to school, study hard, attend university and GET A FUCKING JOB. It’s not impossible. Be grateful for what you do have, because there are so damn many people out there that would give anything to be in your position, they don’t have clean water for fuck’s sake, and you have the nerve to tell me your life sucks cos you don’t have the latest pair of kicks. Get real. About a week ago most of these kids didn’t even know what the term looting was. 
Now, can I state, RESPECT HAS TO BE EARNT, you can not go and loot your local pound shop/charity shop/Argos and think that this is sending a message to the police about your problems; NO, this just informs them that you are a thieving, primitive and morally corrupt individual who has no boundaries. HOW IS STEALING FROM YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY, YOUR LOCAL BUSINESS PEOPLE GOING TO ASSIST YOUR SITUATION?! WHAT DID INNOCENT FAMILIES WHO HAPPENED TO LIVE IN YOUR LOCAL AREA DO TO DESERVE BEING BURGLED/HAVE THEIR HOMES SET ABLAZE?!  
Now as much as I applaud the police force and respect their hard work in this difficult time, we pay so much freaking tax for national security measures, but where the hell are they when shit is going down?! Why are the police always running on Indian time?! (For those of you non Indians, it means late.) It’s almost as if they come late to avoid the trouble and simply assist in the post-disaster clean up/questioning. We need y’all to be there on time dudes and dudettes, same goes for the fire brigades and ambulances, did you see how long that furniture shop was on fire in Croydon last night before they showed up to extinguish it?! Also, what is up with these extra policing measures, they are still lacking, apparently, there were more police around at the royal wedding?! Also what’s up with this: Sgt Seamus Hansford said: “I have increased the number of officers in the town centre from four to eleven. We want to show the yobs that we are in charge.” Excuse me, but have you seen the sizes of these mobs, yeah you may have nearly tripled the size of your officers but comparatively you’ve done nothing. Fix up before it’s too late Ilford!
Videos such as this one have surfaced and sicken me to my core: Speechless. 

The two things that I would blame are lack of gratitude and bad parenting. Let me 
elaborate, in the case of the former, young people and even older people, seem to lack the ability of being thankful, they are never happy with what they have and always want more. Yeah, we live in a consumerist society but that does not excuse such behaviour. Many people take, take and take some more, but have never learnt how to say thank you let alone give. It’s incredible how they think they are justified in their actions because they don’t have money. Taking something that is not yours is wrong. Isn’t that something taught in schools to four and five year olds?! If young people think this is okay, I weep for the next generation. DO YOU NOT HAVE A MORAL FIBRE IN YOUR BEING?! How do you sleep at night? As for the latter, what kind of parent would open the door for their child in the early hours of the morning, allowed them in with a hoard of new tracksuits/technology, without so much as questioning it?! They need BACKHANDING. What kinda parent raises their children like that?! I understand that some parents have received text messages telling them to call their children home and ensure their safety. This is not enough. When they’ve grown up its too late, you must instil these values at a young age.

Not all is doom and gloom, there is a riot worker volunteer group who are out and about helping to clean up their city. Very admirable:

Any one interested in helping check out this site:
Other positivity takes the form of the locals writing the things they love about Peckham, simply beautiful. 

Before I finish I just want to bring your attention to this lady, people like this are few and far apart, unfortunately. We need more people standing up for what is right: 

Anyway that’s all for now people, stay safe.


Thursday 23 June 2011

Disposable society

Hey guys and girls, it’s been an awful long time since I last posted on here. Sorry about the delay. After I finished my exams and stuff I pretty much went into hibernation/socialising mode. Can’t believe it’s already been over two weeks since the exams, the scariest part is that my results are out in less than 24hours! =S I can’t lie, I’m VERY nervous and am keeping my fingers and toes crossed, touching lots of wood and praying that I somehow pull this off. It’s really weird ATM, cos I know Uni is over but I feel like I deserve a summer holiday even though I KNOW I need to get on top the job applications. Hopefully I’ll manage to find something and soon, cos not only is it time to grow up but also my bank balance is not particularly impressed with me as of late. Anyway, enough about me, and on  to today’s topic... The disposable society, enjoy! 

These days it seems as though we live in somewhat of a disposable society. With most things around us we use and dispose of. Take for example food packaging, we buy things in packets and boxes and unnecessary amounts of wrapping and ultimately these are tossed into bins without a second thought for landfills and how environmentally unfriendly our actions are. Everything just seems so, here and now, if you will. Just so temporary without any thought about sustenance. And it’s very similar with other aspects of life, clothing, furniture, even the structures of homes these days is questionable, new flats are built like cardboard boxes! I mean, I suppose you could say that this is a side effect of mass consumerism. Cheap and cheerful seems to be the way everything around us is. 

But is this disposable attitude beginning to affect other parts of our lives? I mean look at the way our friends are treated. Obviously it’s impossible to stay in touch with all our friends all the time but regularly we stay in touch with minimal numbers. I’ve seen a few people from my past randomly and I always stop to say hi but some people look down and pretend that they haven’t seen you. Apart from being outright rude it just shows the extent of which people ‘move on.’ I totally understand that it is near enough impossible to stay in touch with all the friends you have all the time, I mean  truthfully, some of my friends I see once a year at a push. 

But I find that many people enter a new situation knowing that they will not be in touch with the people around them after the time frame of interaction. I guess to some extent it shows people are some what fake but it can also be argued that this approach is practical. You will have friends at school, college, uni, work etc; most of which you will only speak to during those times and a select few may become life long friends. But the fact that we can, without a thought, move on and ‘forget,’ the past makes me weary. Yes the world is constantly changing and in this day and age we have the opportunity to meet more people and do more things than ever before, but hey, don’t take it for granted, it wasn’t always like this. Don’t forget the people that helped you out in the past, make an effort! They must have been your friends for a reason, stop concentrating on yourself for a minute and ask how they are doing! 

Another aspect of our disposable mindset is relationships. People move from relationship to relationship to relationship with such speed and with no regard for letting themselves heal or move on properly. It creates the impression that not only did they not fully give themselves to the previous partner but also that the old partner was so easily replaceable, similar to the IKEA furniture (okay that may not have been the best example, what about Primark tshirt) or I dunno, the sandwich from the shop. You use, get your moneys worth and bin it, before proceeding to consume another. I hear people defending themselves, “oh I’m just having a bit of fun,” call me old fashioned but I personally think that if you don’t see a long term potential with your partner you shouldn’t be in the relationship. I think many relationships come to an end simply because people are not willing to work on their problems, opting to simply just replace as opposed to mend. Rather like a pair of trousers, you rip the knees (I realise this can be considered a fashion statement! =P) and you go to pick up another pair rather than sew it back. 

People are often out there looking for their dream partner like a that wonderful pair of shoes. Like you’re out shopping for a life partner!! Someone/something perfect. Ticking all the boxes:
                *Tall – check
                *Dark – check
                *Handsome – check
Or even:
                *Comfortable – check
                *Matches my bag/outfit – check
                *Glamorous – check 

But even though you’re looking for the perfect man/woman/shoes, your definition of perfect is likely to change tomorrow! 

The world is moving so fast that nothing remains in fashion for very long. Technology, clothing, the economy, EVERYTHING is moulding and changing rapidly. And our response to that is to adapt, to change the things we own/do to respond effectively, but ultimately this means constant change and disposal of the old to welcome the new. But that doesn’t mean it has to affect other aspects of our lives. Think about it. Make do with what you have, appreciate the things and people you have around you. 

That’s all for now.


P.S. I know this one was short but I’m hoping to post again on Monday! So keep your eyes peeled for the next post!

Sunday 22 May 2011


I just want to apologise to anyone who is wondering why the posting has come to a halt again. 

Exams are occupying the bulk of my life ATM, and, well, I'll be back. Taking a break for some intensive revision to get me through the rest of my degree. The last one is on 7th June so you can expect a post shortly after that...

Have a good couple of weeks!


Monday 2 May 2011

Obama vs. Osama.

News broke that today, Osama Bin Laden was killed and buried at sea. Celebrations commence around the world. Justice has been done to those who were killed on 11/9. (I’m British, the date comes before the month thank you very much.) Interestingly, this is becoming comparable to the date when Hitler was also pronounced dead. Coincidence? I’ll leave that to you to decide. These dates are becoming a little bit fishy for my likings. 

Social networking news feeds have suddenly come alive in exam season (please see the previous blog post for more information), some of my favourite humorous statuses include, “Bin Laden’s twitter informs me he’s gone for a swim,” (Thank you Miss Mehzabeen Patel); ☑ “Saddam Hussein Osama Bin Laden Justin Bieber....” (Very grateful Mr Jhon Valencia); “Osama Bin Laden is dead!!!! The longest hide ‘n’ seek game comes to an end...” (Much obliged Miss Pari Tailor) and finally “Does this mean I can bring shampoo with me to the airport now?” (Appreciate it Mr Anish Vekaria). Groups such as “So, Osamba Bin Laden is finally dead. Shall we have another bank holiday?” and “A prince gets married, the bad guy is dead. It’s a real Disney weekend.” are quickly becoming highly popular. 

On to the more serious concerns though, supposedly: "He was buried at sea according to Islamic traditions, US officials said, seemingly in a bid to prevent his grave becoming a shrine." Makes sense. Correct me if I’m wrong but my understanding of this is that in Islam you are to be buried in a place where you shan’t be dug up. But come on now, where’s the proof? They conveniently decided not to photograph/conduct any DNA tests/capture him for questioning. Where is the evidence I hear many people scream. Obama’s word simply will not suffice. When Saddam was captured there was a video, albeit a dark and bad quality video, of his execution made available for everyone to see for verification. Surely, you would want to question him? Make an example of him? Just show that you actually did capture him? 

It seems likely that this event will support Obama’s pledge for a second term in presidency as his promises to transform the health care system aren’t as reliable. (In hindsight I found this quote: In February, 2004, an Iranian state radio claimed Osama Bin Laden had been captured in Pakistan’s border region with Afghanistan “a long time ago.” Pentagon and Pakistani officials denied the report. “Osama bin Laden has been arrested a long time ago, but Bush is intending to use it for propaganda manoeuvring in the presidential election,” the radio report said.)

While we’re on that point. How can the American government justify spending almost HALF their discretionary spending on their department of defence?! 

Interesting also note that the American expenditure on military comparatively to the rest of the world:  (The diagram alone explains more than my words will be able to impact)

The USA is responsible for 46.5%, almost half, of the world total, on military spending. That’s INSANE. 

I mean, you can kinda see what’s gonna happen next. Security on high alert, yet another terrorist attack to avenge Bin Laden’s death. Quickly followed by another man replacing him on the most wanted list and another excuse for the US to spend incredible amounts of money on wars despite being in so much debt from the recession... Conspiracy theories are already coming to surface, 11/9 is already considered to be an inside job, talks of the emergency number in the US, 911 and 9/11 being suspicious are resurfacing... (Thanks Farcel Rabess) Talks of Obama being the best option for America because he caught Osama, he can catch the next bad guy... But I don’t wanna get into all that or I’ll be here writing until Christmas. 

Funnily enough, “your appendix is more likely to kill you than al-Qaida is.”Some 2752 people were killed on 11th September and people 52 on 7th July. Compare that to THREE MILLION PEOPLE dying from HIV/AIDS in 2003 alone. Can you imagine how much difference $663.7 billion a year could make to this?! Or alternatively even a fraction of this expense spent on the 513,000,000 people without safe drinking water could save millions of lives. The 1.2 billion people living off of $1 or less a day could have that budget increased by $1.5, more than doubled (664/365/1.2)! I ask you, is this spending really justified on the revenge of the lives of less than 3000 people that were taken...? Here are some more mind-boggling statements considering worldwide statistics for terrorist fatalities:

More fatalities occur "each day" from auto accidents then occur from terrorism for the "whole year".
More fatalities occur worldwide each year from animal attacks then occur from terrorism.
More fatalities occur each year from falling down stairs (falling down) then occur from terrorism.

More fatalities occur "each day" from medical malpractice then occur from terrorism for the "whole year”.

430,000 Americans are killed by cigarettes EVERY YEAR. (The equivalent of 9/11 repeated every two days forever.)”

The figures are so out of proportion. Take a look at this chart detailing causes of deaths:

All I’m saying is that the largest cause of death in America is heart disease, more than six hundred thousand people died from it in 2004, surely suffers from it deserve a higher allocation of the budget. No doubt that discussions, rumours and talks will continue. Will we ever learn the truth? 

