Thursday 23 June 2011

Disposable society

Hey guys and girls, it’s been an awful long time since I last posted on here. Sorry about the delay. After I finished my exams and stuff I pretty much went into hibernation/socialising mode. Can’t believe it’s already been over two weeks since the exams, the scariest part is that my results are out in less than 24hours! =S I can’t lie, I’m VERY nervous and am keeping my fingers and toes crossed, touching lots of wood and praying that I somehow pull this off. It’s really weird ATM, cos I know Uni is over but I feel like I deserve a summer holiday even though I KNOW I need to get on top the job applications. Hopefully I’ll manage to find something and soon, cos not only is it time to grow up but also my bank balance is not particularly impressed with me as of late. Anyway, enough about me, and on  to today’s topic... The disposable society, enjoy! 

These days it seems as though we live in somewhat of a disposable society. With most things around us we use and dispose of. Take for example food packaging, we buy things in packets and boxes and unnecessary amounts of wrapping and ultimately these are tossed into bins without a second thought for landfills and how environmentally unfriendly our actions are. Everything just seems so, here and now, if you will. Just so temporary without any thought about sustenance. And it’s very similar with other aspects of life, clothing, furniture, even the structures of homes these days is questionable, new flats are built like cardboard boxes! I mean, I suppose you could say that this is a side effect of mass consumerism. Cheap and cheerful seems to be the way everything around us is. 

But is this disposable attitude beginning to affect other parts of our lives? I mean look at the way our friends are treated. Obviously it’s impossible to stay in touch with all our friends all the time but regularly we stay in touch with minimal numbers. I’ve seen a few people from my past randomly and I always stop to say hi but some people look down and pretend that they haven’t seen you. Apart from being outright rude it just shows the extent of which people ‘move on.’ I totally understand that it is near enough impossible to stay in touch with all the friends you have all the time, I mean  truthfully, some of my friends I see once a year at a push. 

But I find that many people enter a new situation knowing that they will not be in touch with the people around them after the time frame of interaction. I guess to some extent it shows people are some what fake but it can also be argued that this approach is practical. You will have friends at school, college, uni, work etc; most of which you will only speak to during those times and a select few may become life long friends. But the fact that we can, without a thought, move on and ‘forget,’ the past makes me weary. Yes the world is constantly changing and in this day and age we have the opportunity to meet more people and do more things than ever before, but hey, don’t take it for granted, it wasn’t always like this. Don’t forget the people that helped you out in the past, make an effort! They must have been your friends for a reason, stop concentrating on yourself for a minute and ask how they are doing! 

Another aspect of our disposable mindset is relationships. People move from relationship to relationship to relationship with such speed and with no regard for letting themselves heal or move on properly. It creates the impression that not only did they not fully give themselves to the previous partner but also that the old partner was so easily replaceable, similar to the IKEA furniture (okay that may not have been the best example, what about Primark tshirt) or I dunno, the sandwich from the shop. You use, get your moneys worth and bin it, before proceeding to consume another. I hear people defending themselves, “oh I’m just having a bit of fun,” call me old fashioned but I personally think that if you don’t see a long term potential with your partner you shouldn’t be in the relationship. I think many relationships come to an end simply because people are not willing to work on their problems, opting to simply just replace as opposed to mend. Rather like a pair of trousers, you rip the knees (I realise this can be considered a fashion statement! =P) and you go to pick up another pair rather than sew it back. 

People are often out there looking for their dream partner like a that wonderful pair of shoes. Like you’re out shopping for a life partner!! Someone/something perfect. Ticking all the boxes:
                *Tall – check
                *Dark – check
                *Handsome – check
Or even:
                *Comfortable – check
                *Matches my bag/outfit – check
                *Glamorous – check 

But even though you’re looking for the perfect man/woman/shoes, your definition of perfect is likely to change tomorrow! 

The world is moving so fast that nothing remains in fashion for very long. Technology, clothing, the economy, EVERYTHING is moulding and changing rapidly. And our response to that is to adapt, to change the things we own/do to respond effectively, but ultimately this means constant change and disposal of the old to welcome the new. But that doesn’t mean it has to affect other aspects of our lives. Think about it. Make do with what you have, appreciate the things and people you have around you. 

That’s all for now.


P.S. I know this one was short but I’m hoping to post again on Monday! So keep your eyes peeled for the next post!


  1. i dont have friends, my friends are not there for me i think they are jelous of me, i have frenemies!
    but nice post

  2. Loving the blog Komal. I wrote one as part of my course like last year might get that up and running soon as well. Keep up the good work :)

  3. Great writing Komal! It's always interesting to read your thoughts. I totally agree with the idea of a disposable society, food clothes, phones, noses, whatever it might be. Bin it and get a new one, I heard an interesting talk from the CEO of an electronics firm that talked about how they no longer build products to last, technology becomes obsolete so quickly that it's not worth it as the consumer will get rid of it quickly enough anyway.

    When it comes to the way we interact with the materials around us, I don't doubt that it is reflected in our relationships with ourselves and others, although I am wary of making statements such as 'people are...'. With the sexual freedom we have compared to days of yore, and the relative liberty to change relationships and hold off for much longer before settling down, we notice more of these behaviours around us, as I believe is our right to be lived.

    I do not believe it is healthy to constantly jump straight from one relationship into another, nor to become accustomed to chopping and choosing so much that you would leave someone for some trivial thing. You're right, frugality is not the fashion right now and making do and mending perhaps is an ethic that could do well to be applied a little more to relationships. But again, I think it is our right, and should be valued and upheld, that if a person is not happy in a relationship that they should be free to live it, women have suffered the world, and aeons, over due to lack of that basic right. I also have plenty of friends that don't treat relationships in such a disposable fashion and it pains me that they should all be lumped into the 'people are' category, I find 'us and them' a precarious stance to hold.

    My final point is that I believe one can maintain a productive, happy and respectful relationship without it having to be for long term. Settling down for the long haul in one's early twenties isn't what it used to be. The very fact that our parents may have had just one career throughout their lives and we are more likely to hold a few, to travel more, move from place to place and generally experience changes at a faster rate, means that it is not so strange that our approach to relationships can change accordingly. I would not make a commitment to someone at my age because I don't know how much I am going to change over the next decade, I will not have the stability of getting a grad 9-5, a mortgage and a ring around my finger which would imply a certain direction and alignment of personal growth with my partner, and I don’t think it fair to make promises about things which I cannot possibly know, living the amount of uncertainty that I do. I make it perfectly clear that I do not feel able to commit at my age, nor do I focus too much on the long haul, some of my friends lament this and prefer the more ‘traditional’ approach but I can honestly say that I don’t feel I am being superficial. There is a whole spectrum between the extremes of ‘fickle’ and ‘for all eternity’ and I place myself somewhere between ‘respect’, ‘pragmatism about the future’ and an enjoyment of experiencing a genuine emotional and intellectual bond with another person, something to me that is both priceless and timeless. I don’t want to make plans for the future right now and that is my proud right.

    As with everything I think it comes down to a happy medium, I certainly can't contest that we couldn't all take the time to focus a little more on, and appreciate, the things and people we have around us, and work out how to balance that against the ever shifting and more chaotic landscape of our lives, careers, friends, family and loves.

  4. Hey Komal interesting reading ur blog..
    My and ur views are so similar..
    I totally agree with u... :)
    Keep it up girl..

  5. we are all brother's and sisters we symply cannot stay intouch.
    we are slaves hoping to own a home.
    we are near the end of days where people run nakid
    someone who used to go to my school greeats me and conversates with me for the first time.. he sees me again and everyday afterthat and he just
    says hi.
    people run sometimes to look for peace but if they walked into a relationship instead of running they would find peace. when they walk into a relationship they say will i be happy and never think will they be happy. they act shit talk shit and when the other party cant tolorate it they say na this is not working out...they would stay with someone if that person can stomach their shit but its beyond human thier demands outragous. and if you live long enough to meet a loman trust me they will find another reason to leave you because grass is greener on the other side
    i dont think its about socciety its about induvuduality and animality pigs pigs pigs
    they fuck who they want no regard =sexual freedom
    they say what they like no regard =freedom spech
    do what ever no regard = its not freedom if its distructive.
    the world is becoming a worse place
    the world is becoming a worse place
    the world is becoming a worse place
    the world is becoming a worse place under the rule of democracy
    they fuck what they whant
    they say what they want
    they do what they want no regard

  6. Anonymous – Frenemies. That’s a new one. Perhaps its about time to find some positive friends. If they’re not there for you when you need them, they’re not friends.

    Jay – Thank you Jay, I didn’t realise you read it. I vaguely remember reading it, was there a post about the value of a degree? You deffo should get back on it, I’ll certainly give it a read. =]

    Meera – Thank you for your kind words Meera. Yup, I just think Primark/Primarni is the epitome of the concept. I love your reference to noses haha. It made me laugh. Ahh really? If you have a weblink or something to the talk, I’d love to hear it. Sounds very, very interesting. Things aren’t made the way they used to be. I remember our old TV and those brick phones. They were made to endure pretty much anything!

    Yeah, I am sort of generalising, I guess my aim was to juxtapose two concepts and so I always take it to the extremes just to highlight the difference and raise a debate. I love your comment: There is a whole spectrum between the extremes of ‘fickle’ and ‘for all eternity’ and I place myself somewhere between ‘respect’, ‘pragmatism about the future’ and an enjoyment of experiencing a genuine emotional and intellectual bond with another person, something to me that is both priceless and timeless. However, although I know you have your head screwed on correctly I’m not so sure about some others I have come across; but hey, perhaps that’s just too judgemental on my part. Who knows. I agree that ‘making do and mending,’ is certainly a lacking factor in our lives. Even with things like sewing a button back on a shirt or taking a pair of trousers/jeans up. Of course, should a person be able to leave a relationship if it isn’t right for them or for whatever reason they choose as a matter of fact. I totally agree.

    I think you make a very good final point about how our existence can be compared to a perhaps a patchwork quilt gaining things from so many different places and experiences. I believe we live in an age whereby we mostly do a little of everything as opposed to a lot of one thing. I mean, if it was the latter I’m certain that we would get bored. Just consider our eating habits: My parents are very happy to eat near enough the same food every night and I don’t even like eating the same thing for my next meal!

    Rehmina – Thank you. I’m glad you approve and I appreciate you taking the time out to read the post. =]

    Anonymous – You hold an interesting view. Slightly difficult to comprehend what you mean but I kinda see where you are coming from. I understand that it is next to impossible to stay in touch with every single person whom you have ever known or even who has made an impact upon you.

    In terms of in a relationship, perhaps if you you’re in one for long enough it is difficult to remember to appreciate your partner so I suppose the grass may seem greener on the other side. But I truly believe that you must thank your partner and show appreciation constantly, even for the little things.

    I think your comment: “they fuck who they want no regard =sexual freedom; they say what they like no regard =freedom speech; do what ever no regard = its not freedom if its distructive,” is very blunt and a tad crude but hey you’re entitled to your opinion.

  7. ill give you some more
    bankers..... gamble gamble
    benefit people.... populate populate
    fuckers .......std std fatherless baby's
    drinkers .....binge and drink drive
    this list is motherfucking endless

  8. Anonymous. Like I said. I'm not sure I'd phrase it like that...
