Monday 31 January 2011

Post numero uno.

Hey dudes and dudettes!

Well this is it, what you've been waiting your whole lives for (I joke), my first ever blog post...

The plan is to discuss topics which interest me and quite frankly which I consider important, if you don't like what you see; I don't care. Take your dislike else where as I only want positivity here thank you very much. I do plan on addressing controversial issues from time to time alongside humorous and light-hearted pieces too so hopefully there will be something for every single one of you avid readers! (Again, I joke, I don’t expect a huge set of devoted followers but let’s just see how it goes eh?)

Anyway, I must get back to packing. My father will kill me with his bare hands tomorrow when he realises just how much I plan to take back with me to Southampton… WHY DO I OWN SO MUCH?! I must have a serious clear out at some point very soon and just bin everything I haven’t used in I dunno, say the last year? I need to de-clutter my life and learn to be tidy! 

Keep your eyes peeled for new posts in the very near future! 


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