Monday 28 February 2011

Fakery and respect for one’s self...

This week upon conversations held with a number of people at university, I have decided to delve into discussing fakery. Apologies in advance if I offend anyone. My intention is to get you all thinking and talking NOT to attack anyone’s personal image/style. 

Girls and guys these days are so preoccupied in trying to look a certain way, which I guess is governed by the media and what celebrities look like. It’s all a bit mind boggling to me, perhaps because I’ve never sort of looked up to celebrities, I just think of them as normal human beings and don’t see what the fuss is all about. I mean I respect certain people but that doesn’t mean I want to know what they do in their spare time, who and when they hook up with or be like them. I’ve never really read magazines and quite frankly would much rather read a book than the latest Heat. 

Okay someone famous may wear something nice and you might want it cos it looks good, but copying outfits, make-up, basically the whole look and attitude to life completely, WHY? Surely, you’d want your own style? I don’t understand people who aspire to look like Beyonce with her bum pads or Victoria Beckham with her fake boobs or whoever. It’s so aggravating to see young girls of today growing up so fast desiring to appear like unrealistic images of females. These women need to understand that they hold an important influential role in the lives of many. They live lives where they aren’t burdened with stress and hard work that comes with normal daily life, they don’t have to do chores or have to deal with financial woes. They shop when they are bored, that too with the assistance of a personal shopper to hold bags and a chauffer to drive them to and fro. They have professional make-up artists and hair stylists to ensure that they look good all day, every day. Holidays, fine dining, expensive health care regimes and time are all in abundance to such individuals. This is not reality for most so why compare yourselves to such standards. 

College was like a catwalk, I remember the horror of discovering some girls woke up and took two-three hours getting ready every morning, and I would do anything for an extra 2-3 minutes in bed! Maybe, if I contrast my morning to that you can compare. Wake up at 8, hop in the shower, pull on something clean before grabbing some toast and leaving the house by 8.25, legging it to the bus stop, JUST ABOUT making it before first class at 9. It’s the same at uni, my house mates and peers will vouch for my alarm going off 15minutes before I have to leave, bed hair and arriving at lectures a tad disorientated. I remember once walking into the ladies bathroom in college to wash my hands and basically having to fight my way to the sink because so many girls were stood checking themselves out and fixing their appearances.  It was ridiculous; I swear I heard too many conversations which basically consisted of ‘what shall I wear tomorrow? – No, I wore that last week,’ and ‘oh, I don’t have anything to wear, I need to go shopping.’ [Ironically coming from girls I’d never seen wearing the same outfit twice.] Quite often also, it was simply too damn much, remember less is more with make up, caking yourself in foundation and looking like a hot sticky mess when the sun comes out is not a good look!

Let’s look at the variety of things possibly fake on a ‘sexy’ woman these days, from head to toe: fake hair extensions/weave, permanently straightened hair, hair dye, fake eye lashes, coloured contact lenses, nose job, lip implants, teeth whitening/cosmetic dentistry, botox, face lift, an inch of make up/permanent make up, take tan, boob job/push up bras/chicken fillets, fake nails, liposuction/tummy tuck and finally bum implants/bum pads. That’s a list of the most common things that I can think of off the top of my head, I found a more definitive list of procedures available through my good friend Google if any of you are interested: Scroll down to pages 70 to 73. Not cool. I remember in my early teens when boob jobs were something new/shocking and were frowned upon by society; now they are so common that no one thinks twice about them and every Tom, Dick and Harry has them. Actually maybe that should read every Jane, Chloe and Katy has them, you know what I mean. I mean personally plastic surgery is a no go area in my eyes unless you have a medical condition/have some kinda major third degree burns or something that is actually preventing you from being normal and getting on with life, that or boob reduction. (I hear all the boys/men complaining but I'm not even gonna defend it.). Not because you are a pre-pubescent 16 year old wanting boobs which are too big for your frame! God made you a certain way, be grateful you have all your limbs and functioning body parts you ungrateful twits!

I once saw this show on telly a while ago where a short East Asian man was considering going through a medical procedure to potentially add a couple of inches to his structure. I’m not being funny but most Chinese men and women are small, that’s just the way it is. The process to make him taller involved BREAKING HIS LEGS and placing something between his shattered skeleton so the bones would essentially grow around the metal I think it was, thereby elongating them. *SHOCK**HORROR* *REVULSION* *DISMAY* *PITY* 

Come on guys and girls, can’t we love ourselves without enhancements?! What is the reason behind hating yourself in your natural state so damn much? Why do you need to change yourself so damn much for you to be happy/confident? Is it about attracting the opposite sex or is it about feeling good about yourself? Cos quite often you claim it’s the latter, but show signs that it’s quite obviously the former you are attempting.

What I also don’t understand is that with all this fakery, why does your mental state change to mush too? Why is it that upon donning some skimpy outfit and a tonne of make up that your attitude and mentality suddenly also changes to that of a ditzy, stupid little girl?! HOW ON EARTH CAN YOU TELL ME THAT YOUR APPEARANCE GIVES YOU CONFIDENCE WHEN YOU’RE NOT ABLE TO BE YOURSELF AND HAVE TO RE-ENACT A BRAINLESS, GIGGLY, NAÏVE GIRL, RATHER THAN THAT CLEVER, SOPHISTICATED, INDEPENDENT WOMAN YOU STRIVE TO BE?! Where is your respect for yourself? Yeah, that’s what I thought, hiding under that hideous mask!

I am actually amused by the fact that guys/girls complain that the opposite sex does not appreciate/respect them and they can’t find that special someone when they come across as a materialistic and self-obsessed individual. Complaints about not being treated right and all that jazz. Clearly, your exterior is attracting the wrong kinds of people, be it the opposite gender or friends. If you want my advice in finding someone special/some solid friends, someone that really loves and values you, here it is: Go out looking your absolute worst, or at least go out looking simple without your boobs hanging out/without rocking your designer gear, and the person that respects you for you, who doesn’t make sleazy jokes with lame ass chat up lines, who can see your beauty is more than skin deep, who is able to hold actual meaningful conversations with you and treats you the way that you deserve, SNAP HIM/HER UP! You have to love yourself for who you are before you can expect someone else to love you. It’s that simple, yet so many people still don’t seem to understand. 

I hear you feminists crying out that women should be able to sell their bodies for sex and be able to move on from partner to partner like the men do. Shut up already. It is not cool. It is DEGRADING. Being a glamour model is not a frikking aspiration, its not empowering, it’s a joke. How on earth can you question where chivalry has disappeared, ain’t no one gonna respect you when they too darn busy drooling! What happened to aging gracefully, what happened to being mature and growing up, more and more women are clutching on to their younger years, giggling away. Well the joke’s on you. Stop trying to stay young for as long as humanely possible, and embrace your body. And what is up with us worshipping Gok Wan, why you gotta look naked when you can look good clothed?! You should leave looking good naked for the bedroom not for national TV! 

So, where do we draw the line, obviously either end is hard to achieve, most people want to put in some ‘effort’ with their appearances but when is it too much eh, what do you think? Guys I want your opinions on what you think about girls who are fake and whether or not you even like it when girls go the extra mile, and girls, I want your opinions on what you deem is a good level of personal beautification. 



  1. As a guy I would much rather look at a ugly girl who appears to look good because she spends 3hrs getting ready for uni, rather than at her if she is ugly at uni and never put effort into looking good.

    Looks are everything ! Keep up the work girls ;)

  2. ^I dunno but I find that mentality one that I would avoid! Sorry mate, but your attitude is one that I find very materialistic and superficial.

    Never heard of natural beauty? Ever thought a woman shouldn't have to please you or sacrifice her sleep so you can oggle at her?

  3. I personally think it is important to maintain a good balance. It is ok to be fashionable or put some makeup on - as long as you do it for yourself and if it makes you feel better. If you do it moderately, i.e. not necessarily try to look like Barbie - then why not? I mean a little accentuation of your curves (cause there is no need to emphasise anything if you are as skinny as a stick!) or some lipstick is something that should enhance your natural beauty, and not maskerade your self. But yes, I definitely agree with your point that you have to love yourself as you are (I am totally AGAINST plastic surgery!), cause that will give you an aura or charisma that is more valuable than any expensive clothes or make-up or lifting. My best advice to be beautiful: smile and be happy!!

  4. Izzy I agree with you. Everything in its limits... I know I'm bringing out the worst in our consumerist society but it's to raise a point. =]

    Very nice. I think smiling and confidence makes you beautiful!

  5. Mike... What's your stance on the perception of male beauty?

  6. I'd also be keen to hear this.

  7. I agree with u komal totally disagree to having plastic surgery done, should be always grateful. N everything should be in limits.
    I believe true beauty is the inner beauty..
    N simplicity makes it a easy life..
    Who can live with the reality anything else doesn't matter them..

  8. from someone who used to put effort to retired
    i can tell you one thing, the testicles never stop working... youl just reduce your chance's of seducing the girl you like becaus you are not at your best

    i love make up i love heels i love lingerie
    yeah plz look good in my presence i like coourfull hdtv

  9. Komal we have known each other for the best part of 10 years!! WoW that is long!! But I disagree with a fair points you have raised... That maybe because I am a fashionista or so I like to call myself that or that I have different takes on things.

    What is wrong with the male population appreciating physical beauty?? I tend to google at the rather attractive males out there myself. But I do appreciatively, not cause I want to get in thier pants or anything or want them to notice them. Its just praising God's wonderful creation for providing us with such a wonderful view (I may just be exagerating slightly)

  10. In may spare time I am coonstantly googling celebrities I like and love to hate to see what is going on in thier lives. You might wanna google Heidi Montague/Pratt (Laguna Beach/The Hill) the biggest fake alive she is basically a younger more fake version or Dolly Parton.
    I do it as a simple past time, but is there anything wrong in reading these magazines. After the Quran, Vogue is my bible!! But having said that I will not ever go out and buy something featured in the magazine simply because I like the way something looks on a celebrity. I buy things from advertisements etc that are there to sell products. Celebrity endorsment is not something I am big on, as I very into my fashion I dress how I want to not according to trends even thought they do sometimes influence my choices, but it is more personal, fashion defines you. There are more and more shows on TV that show the importance of fashion in life. This is a quote from Gossip Girl but it couldn't be more accurate
    ''Fashion is the most powerful art there is, it's movement, design and architecture all in one. It shows the world who we are, and who we'd like to be.''

  11. I totally agree with you in the part about girls waking up extremely early in order to look how they did in the morning for college. I was never one, it took me 45 minutes to get ready including showering picking out clothes straightening my hair if I had washed it and applying a tiny bit of concealer to hide any spots and a bit of eyeliner, nothing else sometimes even less than that. But I still managed to look presentable and somewhat fashionable but that is probably down to my taste in clothing cause I never ever dressed to impress anyone my clothes represented me, I at the time liked anything a little bit bright and lots of jewellery. One of my crazy business teachers even reffered to me as a powerful individual due I liked to 'power dress'. Which in his class came across as confident. (we had a small class of 10 and everyone was a friend, so ofcourse I was comfortable with them). If anyone knows me personally I do not desire power in the slightest. But it was more just for myself. So not all girls dress to get attention however I do know which ones your refering to cause I hate them too. I specifically remember calling a group of girls barbie in college. But I definatly admire a women that can carry herself well, and I think men find that attractive, confidence has a lot to do with it. Françoise Sagan (French novelist) quoted ''A dress makes no sense unless it inspires men to want to take it off you.'' - It is completly sexist but I love it, and when one day I get married I would definatly dress so my husband just wants to take all my clothes off!! Having said that still look graceful and elegant rather than Jordan.

    Your point about plastic surgery I am not completly against it, it should be done in moderation to enhance beauty just like make up and not taken to an extreme, not that I would go under the knife personally. Even though i tell my mum all the time that i wouldnt mind pretending to be overweight at my doctors and being refereding to get a gastric band or lipo. LoL. Again check out Hiedi that is someone that has definatly taken it over board she had around 11 surgerys at once. she is screwed if her surgeon dies.

    But you do make some valid points that I definatly agree with which I ave forgoten along the way of writting my own responce!! xx

  12. My stance on male beauty is the same, a guy should go to gym, get ripped and be toned. If a guy is fat and has no muscle then he shud just wear hoodies to hide his bad looks. Beauty works the same for both males and females :) Do not judge or hate - it only my opinions.

  13. Some nice controversy going on here. I'm just gonna throw my own bit in as well. I'd say, we all decide to go for a certain look, even the fresh-out-of-bed-look. We display an attitude towards life, whichever attitude that is. Sometimes we are trying to display X and the opposite sees Y, but then that's just how things are.
    Of course, if you keep trying to look as slutty as possible, men will look at you, I would know. But at the end of the day, while I sure like a girl to look good, "good" in my books at least is not necessarily half-naked or covered in make-up. Sometimes that works, and some girls look good like that (although they may still make guys see them as sluts and treat them accordingly - go blame yourself!). But others seem to put a lot of effort into something that makes me think "I wish you were wearing a burka or something to cover all this up" (no offense, just trying to make a point.)

    Like Izzy said, balance is the way forward. For guys and for girls, looking good is one thing. But the fake bit of simply trying to be someone you aren't won't work - people are mostly not that dumb.

  14. I just want a chick that still looks good with no make up and when I find her I promise I'm never gonna break up. Simple is beautiful.

  15. I think mike is bi...

  16. Rehmina- I'm glad that you second my opinion. Because ultimately physical beauty is transitional...

    Naz- LOL I didn't even realise it was that long!! TEN YEARS, WOAH! Yeah, I guess we've always varied on our takes on certain things. You've always been into fashion and your designer clothes from what I remember.

    Hm, what's wrong with the male population appreciating physical beauty? Because they do it in a way that isn't always appreciative. It's more often than not men leering at women. Then degrading them for it. I think that the way men and women think is VERY different when it comes to being attracted to someone. Men are more graphical and imaginative and actually quite crude a lot of the time. Where as females are just like he's fit/peng/beautiful. We might stare but usually that doesn't mean we treat them any differently. It's interesting that you mentioned the Quran, because I know there's a verse/saying in there that says something like 'avert your gaze,' or the likes so it'd be interesting to hear your view on that.

    Me and you are very different in that respect, cos I get quickly bored reading and looking into the lives of celebs but it looks like you quite enjoy it. Each to their own I guess. I had a quick look at the woman you mentioned and yes it's quite sad, TEN bits of cosmetic surgery. In ONE GO. The silliest thing is that she was really pretty before anyway.

    In terms of your opinion about purchasing things from magazines I guess your taste and views will vary from many as you study fashion, albeit, fashion marketing but it's kinda like your field of interest.

    I understand where you are coming from in your quote as it makes sense, especially because you are often judged by people's first impression and that is derived from what you look like. This video sorta explains what I mean,

    The fact is it shouldn't happen, BUT IT DOES. And that's what troubles me.

  17. Naz (continued) – My friend said something to me yesterday along the lines of if you spend so long making yourself look nice every day then on special occasions you’ll look the same. Which is very true. I do agree that you should make yourself somewhat presentable when you do go somewhere. But I also am happy that I have the confidence to go somewhere tramped out. Cos some people wouldn’t dare go out in their jimjams or without make up.

    I love rocking colourful clothes too and pretty much avoid wearing black completely. Just think it’s a bit boring. I think people that wear bright colours do come across as confident and I’m not really sure why that is but I know of others who agree with me. I know not all girls dress well to get attention but there are certain members of the female population out there that specifically dress provocatively. Then when they get hit on they complain but they actually really love it.

    Each to their own with respects to plastic surgery. I just think its all too common and when celebs get it done people follow suit. Especially little girls get a warped perception of what it’s like to be beautiful.

    Anonymous – “Poo” – Are you saying that my blog post is a load of crap?

    Mike – You strike me as very materialistic. Remember that good looks are transitional, but a good personality only grows better with time.

  18. Matthias – Yeah a fair deal. Lots of people commenting on this post. It’s deffo the most popular one considering the stats too. I see where you are coming from. Even subconsciously I guess we choose what we want other people to see. It’s a pity that stereotypes even exist cos although they might be right sometimes there’s ALWAYS exceptions and we need to be able to see further than appearances.

    Balance is normally a good approach with everything. My view here is that for a lot of people ‘good’ is defined by what is on the media as opposed to real women and real men. Plenty of men also want OTHERS to also find their partner attractive. Like surely it should be enough if you’re happy with her?

    Anonymous – Ryan Leslie lyrics. Nice. I like your opinion. Indeed simple is often underrated.

    Anonymous – Who knows. Maybe he’ll elaborate if he chooses to respond.

  19. So I'm kind of in the middle on this issue. While I agree with a lot of your points, I don't see anything wrong with a woman enjoying a little bit of makeup and picking nice clothes to wear if this is what makes her feel confident and comfortable. Being extremely and overly dependent on makeup - like I used to be-v is not a good place to be, but even though I have toned down this obsession a LOT, I do still find 5 mins in the morning to stick on a tiny bit of concealer for those eye bags and some eyeliner. It just makes me look like I HAVEN'T spent all night up and makes me feel more presentable and confident, and I really don't see what's so wrong with that.

    However what has really amazed me from the replies is how many men think makeup is necessary and for *their* enjoyment! For some reason men -and women. I mean of course it is understandable that both women and men may want to look their best for their partners or for potential partners if they are looking but surely this needs to be accompanied with both people also accepting and appreciating what the other person looks like without all of that?

    And what is it with these men who expect every woman to always be dressed up as though they exist purely to please their wondering eyes!? I don't want to offend anyone but I personally find the approach that Mike has quite shocking, really. Why should a woman have to spend 3 hours getting ready just so you 'don't have to look' at an ugly girl at uni? -As though you have some God given right not to have to lay eyes on anyone you consider unattractive!! Quite frankly, if you don't like what you see, look away and spend more time looking into your textbook. Girls at university are not there to be your personal eye candy.

    For some reason, men - and women - always find it hard to believe this one simple fact: I don't know about other women but I wear makeup primarily because it makes *ME* feel good and because *I* like it, not because, God forbid, a guy might, horror of horrors, have to endure the pain of seeing all my flaws in their hideous glory. =/

    Also, I understand that some level of attraction is obviously in order to develop a relationship but I am at a complete loss to understand why so many people think looks are everything! Wtf - they will fade, change, and in general are not enough to hold together a meaningful relationship!! In fact I tend to become very physically attracted to men who come across as being decent, kind, intelligent and caring as these traits - I will start to notice things about him I had not noticed before, like the shape/colour of the eyes, the smile etc and this will only grow until, suddenly, they look pretty damn irresistable! And equally, I have met guys who looked gorgeous at first glance but left me wondering after I had the chance to speak to them what was ever so attractive about them in the first place.
